Adam Brocks's Recent Blogs

My blogs are private just to my fan club members! I can write dirty fantasies or keep you updated about my life with my blogs.

Adam in the space Date: Jul 30th @ 10:45pm EDT
After spending several days in a space shuttle and arriving at a planet called Aphrodite I continue my journey through space. As the days go by it is more common to see galaxies full of small planets that harbor tiny life, in many plants their greatest source of energy is sexual pleasure, that is why I could observe various forms of masturbation, small beings with huge reproductive penises, I could also To observe plants with deep holes that were fucked hard by these alien beings and they unleashed all their sexual power in her, just like these beings, I also had some experience from a distance, eager to discover new forms of pleasure, I decided to try to have a great erection and So I discovered what could happen with these beings and plants because what I could notice was amazing, my cock got huge and those plants were so eager to feel my big cock in their big and deep hole that each time it was getting deeper. These plants emanated a very seductive and pleasant aroma almost like an orgasmic smell, my heart seemed to beat with more force each time, the most impressive thing was to see what happened with those little beings.
Guys keep seeing my post every two or three days to follow up on more details of my trip.
Adam conquering the universe Date: Jul 23rd @ 5:49pm EDT
Hi friends!
I am already ready to make my special show in space than to be transmitted in August and I also want to tell you that the delays with my preparation for the show in space were due to coviors related to Covid, which affected my health and of my family . Currently my health is 100% and that is why in a next publication of the exact date and time to enjoy my Special Show in space.

I see you soon friends!
My moon show Date: Jun 25th @ 5:45pm EDT
Hi Guys!
I think that I have already speculated about my visit to the moon and it is a pleasure for me to tell them that my suit to travel to the moon will be ready next week to make an advertising photographic book and as soon as I have the photos in my hands then I will inform about From the exact date that I have defined for the realization of my show. I am really excited to visit the moon and transmit it live for flirt4free.
I will travel to the Moon because the Martians are planning to destroy the planet and the Moon to unbalance the Solar System and thus get the total conquest of space. A secret team of the government has entrusted me the mission of fucking many grays on the moon because after many years of secret investigations it is possible to conclude and reveal to public light that Martians are destroyed when in his face falls a little semen from man of a Pure heart andIn this research it has been discovered that the aliens will be destroyed if they detect high surge of pleasure therefore I hope that everyone can participate by making my body melts in exiting them to be able to destroy them since there are several ships that come to destroy the system stallion and is thanks to that discovery that the mission will be executed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday after a one-week trip to get to the moon. I need the help of all of you by sending me many credits so that my support team on Earth can continue to endure the expenses of my mission as it is very expensive and is an ultra secret mission from which the government could not learn.
About my absences Date: May 14th @ 5:32pm EDT
Hi guys!
This time I want to write to tell everyone about what is happening in my life. During the last days they have been able to notice that my transmissions have been unusual in their schedule and that is because I was solving a lawsuit against someone who owed me money to me, I have managed to make the demand go to my favor and in a few days I will have my money back and I must tell you that I also had to get a little out of my time to register again at the university since a year ago when he started the pandemic, I had to stop attending college to help My family with extra money.
I am currently going to the gym, but I do not usually do it often because I am focused on working very hard on all the investments that I have begun so that when my college semester starts, I have much more time available to study and spend a lot of time online.
I want to thank everyone for the support they have given me, because we have shared joys and sorrows together, because we have lived the sweetest and the most bitter moments of life. I am very proud to be so close to finishing my civil engineer career because we have done it as a team, now more than ever it is when I need your greatest support friends because I am very close to taking a giant step and I want to share it with all of you because I have Arrived so far thanks to the support you give me day a day sending as many credits to my show.
New video Date: Mar 18th @ 9:07pm EDT
I like to play with my mind Date: Feb 5th @ 5:52pm EST
I like to imagine my reaction earning a big, big, big, big tip to have my place in the hall of fame.As many of you know, my biggest dream has always been to earn a place in the hall of fame after receiving a very large tip. Many times while I am online and I find myself waiting for the start of a conversation, I usually smile because I cannot describe what it would be like to feel such a great vibration in my ohmibod and I cannot imagine what the reaction would be described on my face. But I think that the pleasure that my soul and body would feel can be indescribable because I have been in this site for several years now, waiting and longing for the arrival of that day and likewise the level of vibration would be extremely hot and that could make me experience a pleasure that never I've felt before
I write this blog because I think it is the best way to express what I usually think every time I delve into the subject.
I hope you liked what I expressed in this blog and I would like you to make comments regarding this blog because I know that my day is very close to arriving and I must be emotionally prepared for the day of the big tip because I could lose control easily ahahahaha.
See you soon guys!
My new room Date: Jan 21st @ 7:41am EST
Hello guys!
I am very happy to greet you again and communicate the great news that I am back to my usual Flirt4Free hours because my new streaming room is finished and because of this, I am pleased to report that I will again be back in the gym, the site broadcasts on my schedules It is also important to note that I must thank all of you for the patience you have had with me in recent months because since I had to move house, we have lived an odyssey together, you from your computers being patient and taking advantage of my Online time which was always unpredictable and I from my side working day after day to create a great place of transmission for you, trying to optimize my time to be able to get online for few hours a day. It is because of you and for you that I have been through a lot in the last few months, but right now I am pleased to know that I have a great workspace to share with you and that I have to resume my normal schedules.
I have returned and remember that my first show starts at 4:30 am and ends at 8:30 am, then I am online in the afternoon hours of 4 pm to 9 pm. (Colomba time)
Total thanks!
Crazy days Date: Jan 11th @ 5:05pm EST
Hello guys!
I want to tell you that in the last few days I have been very busy assembling my new transmission room since as everyone knows, I have gone to live in a new house and the home that I am currently occupying did not have an adequate space for me transmission. I have had to build some walls and spend a lot of my time organizing my new workspace because it will be spectacular. I assure you that this time my space will be totally renovated so that you can be very comfortable in my beautiful broadcasting place.
I like to innovate, I always like to bring new things and this time it will not be the exception because I am investing many of my resources in creating a magical space.
It is also important that you must have a little patience with me during the current week because I still have many things to finish, so it is possible that on many occasions I find myself online at other non-usual hours, likewise possibly I will have many days to get in line because I want to finish as soon as possible since I miss very much to share my great time with you, you are great to make my day to day excellent.
I just ask for a little patience this week because the best of the best is coming.
Why do I want to be the best guy in January? Date: Jan 7th @ 9:20pm EST
I want to be the best guy in January because I believe that I have the ability every day to give a little more of myself to go this far on the site. I have always believed that my name was born to be written in the Flirt4Free hall of fame and this is what prompts me this time to invite you to be a great team so that you can help me be the best model in January with the tip largest in the history of Flirt4Free. In addition, I also want to say that I am a person of objectives and that he likes to help others and that is why I have always thought that if at some point I occupied a place in the hall of fame, I would be willing to donate part of my money to a cause because I know that people are made of dreams and goals to achieve and if I am getting closer to my dreams thanks to the support you give me. Why can't I share my stuff a bit so that someone else can go as far as their goals and dedication allow?
I have always said that I am not a selfish guy because as long as you can do your best to make someone else happy, that is being human and that is what differentiates us from animals because when it is shared with the heart it is happy and the Life smiles at us because you will always have a reason to smile.
Having said the above, then my reflection is to invite you not to be afraid and support me with small acts that today are for my dreams to be fulfilled and likewise we can support a good cause that needs financial support. Help me to be the best of Flirt4Free in January so that together we can make a great team and can bring happiness to many Colombian households that may need our help.
New goal! Date: Dec 8th @ 6:00pm EST
As many people know my great dream and my goal in the site is to earn a place in the hall of fame per be the guy with the biggest tip of the site. Now we have a new record in the hall of fame. The record was completed by a guy who has earned a million credits in a single day. Now it's my turn, before the end of this year I have to get a million and a half credits in one day to get my place in the hall of fame. We are going to work as a team for it, I want to complete that goal before the end of 2020.
We will work as a team to make my dream come true. The limit is the sky, it's only a million and a half credits
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