Adam Brocks's Recent Blogs

My blogs are private just to my fan club members! I can write dirty fantasies or keep you updated about my life with my blogs.

Update on my move Date: Dec 5th @ 5:28pm EST
I want to tell you that I have already delivered all the necessary documents to start the lease of my new house. So next Wednesday I will be moving all my things to my new home, which is why I will not be able to be online at my usual hours. Also for that day I have requested that my internet be installed in my new home and because of that I will return online again, as soon as possible, it is just a matter of having a little more patience and I will return to normal in the next few days.
I am still concerned because of the large amount of expenses that I am having and I have spent so few days online. So I ask you with great persistence, please support me a lot in my return, I will be eternally grateful for it.
See you soon!
News update Date: Dec 2nd @ 7:43pm EST
Hello !
I am very happy to be in contact with you after a few days without being online on the site and busy searching for my new home. Currently I have found a new house for which I am delivering all the documents to make the contract and hopefully next week I will be locating myself in my new house and also requesting the installation of my internet service and decorating my broadcast space.
I just ask you for a little patience and shortly I will be ready to return to the site, full of the best energy and very ready to enjoy my time with you.
I also want to tell you that I will use my little free time to get online so I can enjoy with you.
See you soon.
News and important information Date: Nov 25th @ 6:11pm EST
I want to wish you a great time and the best to you today.
I want to tell you that in the last week and for the next few days my transmission will be intermittent because I will have to move house and therefore I will have to use part of my time to find the new place and I will also have to use my time to manage moving my internet service and arranging the new broadcast room.
I am a little sad and worried because all these changes will make me spend several days connecting and therefore I will not generate income. At the same time leaving this house makes me a bit nostalgic because in it I learned to be independent to leave my grandparents' house to make my own destiny.
I apologize to anyone who may be bothering me for not being online, but just ask for your patience while I make all of these changes.
Please help me a lot during the days that I will be online because they really are gold for me and I would appreciate very much if those difficult days were not so long if you can give me your company.
News and Halloween Date: Oct 27th @ 5:22pm EDT
About of my travel Date: Oct 12th @ 6:36pm EDT
Hello guys!
This blog today is to talk about of my experience visiting San Jerónimo, Antioquia. That travel was the last week and that place is close of the city then was the reasson for travel the day wednesday and back for the city the next day in the night. I was go for that short vvacactions with my sister, my niece, my frined and his wife. San Jeronimo a exotic place in the jungle of Colombia, in the more big mountain of Antioquia.
That place is magic because there you can feel te nature, so much birds and many exotic animals.
The place to live is a retro house of wood with pool and many trees around him, there three very friendly people manage the place and are at your disposal 24 hours a day.
The first day I took a few minutes of sun to tan and then enjoy the rest of my day by the pool, which due to the climate of the area, was a wonderful thing because even if I was at night, the weather is so hot that you can be in the pool and you will not feel any cold. I also had time to enjoy a couple of cold beers and talk to my friend about our investment projects as he has taught me a lot about investing my money and we want to boost a lot of investments together. After that we proceeded in the hours of the night to make a barbecue under the moonlight and the taste of a Chilean wine aged for 25 years.

The next very early day I woke up for a very healthy breakfast with some fried eggs cooked in firewood, accompanied by a "arepa" and a delicious Colombian coffee directly extracted from coffee trees near the area. Then I went to a lake to fish for lunch before I went into the pool again, in the lake catch a big one kilo mustard, a delicious red tilapia fish, that fish was so big that I was sitting for an hour eating my lunch.
Later of my lunch I taked my phone and I was go for the deep jungle for take some great pics for my profile and very soon you will can enjoy my pics.
At the end of the day at 9 pm, I was back for my house, very happy and satisfied and grateful to you because thanks to your support I have had the resources to make that small, but wonderful trip.
I am eternally large with all the people who support my show and I want to invite them not to be shy and share with me the best experiences of their lives.
Why I lost my muscles ? Date: May 24th @ 4:53pm EDT
Before starting I want to clarify that I write this blog because it is a very recurring question in my chat and the truth is I am very tired of always having to explain the same reason. So I better write this text today to clarify your doubts.
My first transmission was on July 17, 2017. When I came to Flirt4Free I was a bodybuilder who could lead a half life and with a salary that was too little to be able to compete and prepare very well for each competition, between 2017 and 2018 my income grew a lot, so I could lead an excellent life as an athlete and student. In my last competition I registered a weight of 85 kilograms, which was the best record of all my competitions.In August 2018 I already had some good savings and I decided to invest in a company and thank you, that was for the month of February, I did the assembly and put into operation my own model studio in my hometown. As my company was a small project that I was starting, I acted as administrator, secretary, cleaning assistant and everything that had to be done in my company because at the time I was starting a small company, I still did not have enough resources, therefore I had to stop attending the gym to be aware of my investment and continue attending university, I trained in my spare time, it was very little but I could do it, in the first year of operation the company was doing very well, so that I was able to hire more employees for different tasks. In that same year I had to start my graduation work, so my time to train was still reduced and therefore I attended the gym when I could and fed well all the time because I had enough money to do it, but I didn't have enough time to train the right way.In the month of August of the year 2019 the company began to have financial problems for different reasons, so I had to make employee layoffs in order to save the company and reintegrate my employees to the company when it overcome that difficult economic moment that the study was experiencing . Arrived the month of November of the year 2019 I had to declare myself bankrupt and thus admit that I had lost everything I had achieved with a lot of work.I had to face reality and return to the page to broadcast more concurrently after breaking my studio, I asked a friend for a small loan to organize a broadcast room in my house. Actually I was very happy because I could train again and resume my life as a model because I always tried to be active on the page but I didn't have enough time to do it.
What happened throughout these three years: I stopped attending my training because I had to prioritize other things, I lost my good position on the page because my transmission was not constant, which translates into too low sales and loss of Regulars and additional clients at some point stop going on a diet because I knew it wasn't worth it if I was't going to train the right way.
In the present two months ago I was able to return to Flirt4Free, I was determined to resume my life as an athlete since I had the necessary time and with such bad luck that I started the quarantine and the gyms are closed at this time. I have decided to buy machines to train at home, but it is difficult, it is expensive and additional I am not generating a lot of sales because all my old followers believe that I no longer exist on the site.Currently I want to train again and I am determined to do it, I just need enough support to regain my ranking and improve my sales level, therefore have better earnings.
I am back!
I am writing to wish you a great and pleasant week
I want to tell you that I have been studying a lot at university and for this reason I have had to take several days off during the week, however I am trying to take as a day off only on Tuesdays, sometimes it is difficult but I have to try hard.
I also want to tell you that this week I will receive the money that I am going to invest buying markets to help families that are having difficult times due to the global pandemic that has many people locked up in their homes.
It is also important for me to report that I am creating highly explicit content that will be available only to clients who are subscribed to my fan club. Additionally, in the coming days I will study the possibility of creating a foundation in Colombia that can support the talents of people who want to be actors and models and do not have sufficient resources to do so.
I really like helping those who need it and that is why I will dedicate a small part of my salary to support a foundation that helps people with addiction problems.
I hope to see you soon and I wish you to be strong enough to overcome this difficult moment that the entire planet earth is experiencing.

With love, Adam.
Collect to make donations Date: Apr 23rd @ 6:57pm EDT
I want to write this blog to thank all the people who supported the donation of money on the 17th, 18th and 19th of the current month. It was possible to collect a total amount of 4,000 credits, I consider that it is a great amount considering that the intention of your donation is worth much more than gold and that thanks to you, I will be able to help many families that are currently experiencing financial difficulties. On behalf of the people of Colombia and the entire Flirt4Free team, I want to express my sincere thanks, without you it would not have been possible.
To guarantee the legality of donations, the markets to donate will be shown during a broadcast day, so that you can verify for sure that this was accomplished and also photographic evidence will be left in a post that I will be publishing with photographs later to deliver the aid to the person.
I want to express that I have never known hearts as noble and humble as yours, I also want to rectify that the people who donated will have benefits that I will soon announce.
The reflection after experiencing all this worldwide pandemic caused by COVID-19 and carrying out an activity like this is the following: Man rises by intelligence, but he is only man by heart.
Happy easter! Date: Apr 14th @ 6:48am EDT
Waiting for my lucky day Date: Aug 16th @ 4:19pm EDT
Hello guys!
This time I want to write about a topic that I mentioned a lot in my chat conversations.
I have always said that I dream of having a place in the hall of fame in the place of the biggest tip in the history of flirt4free. I am still waiting for my lucky day although I cannot deny that sometimes I feel a little discouraged because I see that things are not going well and although this is a reality I cannot stop saying that I am positive and day after day I am working very hard to achieve my goal Once I have my goal, I will use half of the money to help poor people who need humanity so much that they can move on and I also plan to use the remaining money to continue studying more, I also want to give you a house to my mother so that she does not have to live far from me, I miss her a lot and would like to spend the best days of my life with her, sharing the best family moments because my mother is a very special person for me and it is thanks to she that I work so hard because since we broke up I promised her that I would buy a house so she wouldn't be so far from me.
I will continue working until I find my lucky day and I will be so grateful for it that I will honor this great dream, being a person of good, acting with humility and helping those who need it most.
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